The beginning of Slaid and website update
Slaid begun its concretization process last October, and now everything is getting pretty real. While a lot of bureaucracy is still happening behind the scenes, the team is too excited to get going to not begin setting up the fun stuff, like this website.
For this reason, we ask all of you, the earliest of birds, to bare with us as we make it happen. Our plan is for Slaid to evolve together with you, and finally get to the point where we can serve you like you deserve, and support you in your learning journey with presentations.
For now, though, we hope you’ll appreciate the enthusiasm, and (perhaps naive) excitement that fuels this team every day. Feel free to come back to this website every now and then, and we promise a lot will have changed every time you do.
Thank you for being early in this exciting venture, we’ll be set up soon.